Quality Pet Protection Program (QPP)

Besides human’s food, publics also concern about the food for their pets. SGS has provided a wide range of lab testing and analysis on pet food products in microbiological test and chemical test.

The Quality Pet Protection Program (also called 'QPP') promote and prevail higher standards of Hong Kong pet industry through continuous product testing for pet owners and stakeholders with the goal to protect pets' health and rights. Our follow with interest area is ranged from pet raising, quality of food, supplement, accessories products to health services standards for pet.

What do we offer?

Pet Food

Test Item Test Method 
Nutrition Test
Crude Fibre AOAC Official method, 18th Ed. 2005, Method no. 978.10.
Moisture AOAC 925.10 18th ed
Ash AOAC 923.03 18th ed
Fat AOAC 922.06 18th ed
Crude Protein AOAC Official method, 18th Ed. 2005, Method no. 981.10.
Nitrogen in Meat AOAC Official method, 18th Ed. 2005, Method no. 981.10.

Phosphorus & Calcium

Phosphorus & Ca:P Ratio

ICP-MS method
Safety Test
Escherichia coli AOAC Official Method, 18th edition, 2005, Method No. 991.14 Coliform and Escherichia coli Count in Foods - (3M Petrifilm™ Plate)
Salmonella spp. FDA, Bacteriological Analytical Manual Online (BAM Online), Chapter 5, August 2016
Listeria monocytogenes FDA, Bacteriological Analytical Manual Online (BAM Online), Chapter 10, Jan 2016 and API Listeria Strip.
Heavy metal test - Lead and Total Arsenic ICP-MS method
Aflatoxin (Total) ELISA Test Kit


Test Item Test Method
Safety Tests
Escherichia coli AOAC Official Method, 18th edition, 2005, Method No. 991.14 Coliform and Escherichia coli Count in Foods - (3M Petrifilm™ Plate)
Salmonella spp. FDA, Bacteriological Analytical Manual Online (BAM Online), Chapter 5, August 2016
Listeria monocytogenes FDA, Bacteriological Analytical Manual Online (BAM Online), Chapter 10, Jan 2016 and API Listeria Strip.
Heavy metal test - Lead and Total Arsenic ICP-MS method
Aflatoxin (Total) ELISA Test Kit


What is the application process? 

  1. Submission of application form
  2. Product Testing
  3. Veterinary Evaluation 
  4. SGS Test Report and Veterniary Letter Submission
  5. QPP Participation Award Certification
  6. QPP Annual Certification Renewal