We are the world’s leading testing, inspection and certification company.
SGS is the world’s leading Testing, Inspection and Certification company. With over 145 years of service excellence, we combine the precision and accuracy that define Swiss companies to help organizations achieve the highest standards of quality, safety and compliance.
Our brand promise – when you need to be sure – underscores our commitment to trust, integrity and sustainability, enabling businesses to thrive with confidence. We proudly deliver our expert services through the SGS name and trusted specialized brands, including Brightsight, Bluesign, Maine Pointe and Nutrasource.
The trusted online marketplace for TIC services
TIC stands for Testing, Inspection, and Certification. TIC Mall provides you with a trusted online marketplace where you can effortlessly search and purchase TIC services and information at a glance, anytime and anywhere. Our platform provides easy access to essential resources, including blogs on regulatory updates, market trends, and import/export tips, all dedicated to sharing our knowledge and expertise. Subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates. With TIC Mall, accessing TIC services is simple and convenient — testing made easy, inspection made easy, and certification made easy.

We provide worldwide, independent services that make a difference in people's lives

Ensure your projects, products, processes and operations meet and exceed quality and compliance standards with testing services and quality audits from SGS.

Control quantity and quality, and meet all relevant regulatory requirements across different regions and markets with our world-leading inspection and verification services.

Mitigate risks, improve efficiency and compliance, and ensure best practices with audits and certification from SGS.